## page was renamed from BSI Guidelines

== BSI Guidelines

The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) publishes 
[[https://www.bsi.bund.de/EN/Topics/ElectrIDDocuments/TRandSecurProfiles/trandsecurprofiles_node.html|technical guidelines and protection profiles]] 
for cryptography.

Some documents of interests to GnuPG. (Don't rely on the translations, they are just trying to give an idea.)
=== TR-02102-1 Cryptographic Methods: Recommendations and key lengths
(Original in German) Version 2015-01 from 10th of February 2015.  **updated yearly**

Aims for a security level of 100 bit.
Gives recommendations for new crypto systems to be in use until end of 2021.

|= block cipher | 
| 128 |
| AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 |


|= Block cipher mode of operation |