= Email Clients <> GnuPG is a crypto framework that can be used by other applications. This page lists some Free Software email clients you may use. Other lists (last checked 2021-12-02) * [[https://www.openpgp.org/software/|openpgp.org/software]] includes proprietary software application. * [[https://gnupg.org/software/frontends.html#sec-1-2|GnuPG.org]] has a number of outdated entries. == GpgOL (Windows) GpgOL is the Outlook add-in that ships with Gpg4win. If you have Outlook running on your PC, but you are missing the plugin, reinstall Gpg4win and make sure, you check GpgOL during the installation. == Claws Mail (GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac) * find more information on the [[EMailClients/ClawsMail|separate wiki entry for Claws Mail]] * [[http://www.claws-mail.org/|Claws Mail homepage]]. === History Until Version [[https://files.gpg4win.org/README-2.2.6.en.txt|2.2.6]] Gpg4~Win came with Claws Mail; an email-Client that supports GnuPG crypto natively. Since then Claws is available as a separate package to ease maintenance of both packages. (The Gpg4win Initiative originally created the windows installer of Claws many years ago and the Claws Initiative now maintains it.) == Mailvelope for webmail providers Mailvelope is a browser add-on that you can use in Chrome, Edge and Firefox with webmail providers to send and receive crypto emails. * https://mailvelope.com/en/ == Kontact Mail (also known to some as KMail2) * find more information on the [[EMailClients/KMail|separate wiki entry for KMail]] * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kontact#E-Mail * https://kontact.kde.org/components/kmail.html == mutt (Should be build with and enabled gpgme support to have the first grade GnuPG integration.) * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutt_(email_client) == Evolution * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Evolution == Enigmail (GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac) Enigmail is a plugin for Postbox and on Interlink Mail & News (which are forks of elder Thunderbird versions (v <= 68). You can find the latest release on [[https://www.enigmail.net/index.php/en/|Enigmail's homepage]]. == Android-Apps using OpenKeyChain Requirement: App OpenKeyChain has to be installed. *FairEmail *K9Mail == Thunderbird [[/Thunderbird]] since version 78 has its own implementation of Open~PGPv4 and Libre~PGP. It can still use Gnu~PG for secret key operations, e.g. when using a Smartcard. For more information and recommendations see [[/Thunderbird]]. == outdated / in Dev /misc * https://github.com/Meddington/OutlookPrivacyPlugin/ An add-in for Outlook 2010, 2013 and 2016. Works only with an outdated Gpg4win version and cannot send emails in Open~PGP/MIM~E format (which is the recommended standard) (last checked 2021-12-02) == Screenshots [[/Screenshots|Here]] is a collection of screenshots from different email clients