//Gpg4~KDE// was a product name to label a group of Free Software components that allowed end-to-end cryptography of emails and files on GNU/Linux systems. The label was in active use roughly between 2009 and 2020. The main components were: * Gnu~PG (Crypto engine) * Kleopatra (GUI expert interface and widgets) * KMail (Email) * Dolphin (Filemanager) integration Since then you can use either * packages coming from your (trusted) GNU/Linux distribution * for official government restricted data: check the offerings of https://gnupg.com labeled //Gnu~PG VS-Desktop//. * see the ~App~Image with Kleopatra and GnuPG equivalent to the latest Gpg4win release from https://gnupg.org/download === History ==== Projects Ägypten1+2+ Supported by several contracts since 2002, the German government, via its Federal Agency of IT Security (BSI) improved Gnu~PG to support what is now called cryptographic message syntax for use with S/M~IME. All improvements were done as part of the upstream Free Software initiatives like KDE, Gnu~PG and mutt as much as possible. * [[https://www.gnupg.org/aegypten2/index.html|Ägypten2 Contract]] for example ==== Full groupware client with crypto email 2003 a Free Software groupware was build for the BSI, which used KDE's Kontact as its desktop client, including end-to-end cryptography. For the some history of the //Kolab Client// see * https://web.archive.org/web/20090105221351/http://kolab.org/ ==== Label Gpg4KDE Established around 2009-2010 installation packages were made available for Debian GNU/Linux Lenny mainly for: * GnuPG * Kontact enterprise35 (including KMail1) using the KDE~3 generation technology. (Still maintained to some extend as part of the [[https://trinitydesktop.org/|Trinity Desktop Environment]] (as of Dez 2022)). * Kleopatra (the GUI frontend component also based on KDE~3 tech) Thereby offering versions not yet available in Lenny, but necessary to gain fully uptodate Open~PGP/MIM~E and S/MIM~E support. A common label was deemed useful at the time for describing a certain set and version numbers of software components that could be talked about with organisations, customers and that could be checked together. ==== Used for the initial certification In 2019 a combination of a similar set of components (GnuPG, KMail2, Kleopatra, Dolphin-Plugin) was certified by the German "Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik" (BSI) to allow for handling EU RES~TRI~CTED (VS-NfD) data. Demonstrating that it is possible to officially handle government //restricted// data with Free Software components on GNU/Linux systems. ==== Old webpage (via archive.org) https://web.archive.org/web/20181230055114/http://gpg4kde.de/index.html