= Project Informsec2013 =
Informsec2013 was a project to improve Gpg4win. It let to the 2.2.0 release upon the project's successful conclusion end of August 2013.
The Gpg4win initiative (with the German companies g10code and Intevation) had submitted an application to fund this project as a Small Technology Grant by the [[https://iscproject.org/|the ISC Project]].
== Project data ==
* **1st milestone** delivered on the 17th of May 2013. <
>See [[Informsec2013/milestone1|milestone report 1]] for details.<
>Delivers AP1 and parts of AP3 and AP4 as a "beta" release (Gpg4win 2.1.1-beta). The final release Gpg4win 2.1.1 was released on 31th of May 2013.
* **2nd milestone** delivered on the 15th of July 2013. <
>See [[Informsec2013/milestone2|milestone report 2]] for details.<
>Delivers AP2, AP6, AP9, AP10 and parts of AP3 and AP4.
* **3nd milestone** delivered on the 20th of August 2013 <
>See [[Informsec2013/milestone3|milestone report 3]] for details.<
>Delivers Gpg4win 2.2.0 release which contains AP5 and AP8 and feedback of 2.2.0-beta release.
* **4th milestone** delivered on the 30th of August 2013, accepted September 2013.<
>Delivers [[Informsec2013/milestone4|final report]].
* Project time line: April 2013 - August 2013
* Project description, milestones etc.: see [[Informsec2013/application|application]]
== Workpackages ==
* AP1 Better Kleopatra
** 1.1 Dependencies for Qt and KDE Platform
** 1.2 Update Qt to 4.8.4
** 1.3 Update KDE libs + pimlibs to 4.9, locale pro
** 1.4 Update Gpg4win Branch to current
** 1.5 Testing and eliminating defects
* AP2 Pinentry: Paste in passphrase
* AP3 Release Gpg4win
* AP4 Website Update
* AP5 Portable Gpg4win
** 5.1 Kleopatra changes
** 5.2 ~GnuPG part
* AP6 SSH-agent support for putty
* AP7 Fixing Kleo issues (on bugs.kde.org)
* AP8 Windows 8 Support test attempt
* AP9 ~GpgEX 64Bit
* AP10 ~GpgOL context menu support
== Tracker
The tracker is http://bugs.gnupg.org (with a link to bugs.g10code.com).
For gpg4win the category ''gpg4win'' will often be useful but specific problems should go
the actual category (gnupg, gpgol, ...). The suggested tag for the Informsec2013 project is