= Kleopatra Test Plan **Status: in progress** <> == Introduction The purpose of this test plan is to ensure Kleopatra works well on all supported operating systems. == Test environment Choose one combination of the following target platforms supported by Kleopatra. Operating system: * Windows Vista (32 or 64bit) * Windows 7 (32 or 64bit) * Windows 8 (32 or 64bit) * Windows 10 (32 or 64bit) It is recommended to use a clean virtual test environment, e.g. with [[https://www.virtualbox.org/|VirtualBox]]. == Preconditions * GnuPG (latest release) Installed * Kleoptra Installed * ~OpenPGP public key (*.asc or *.gpg) and private key (*.asc or *.gpg) * S/~M~I~M~E certificate chain (*.pem) and private key (*.p12) == Tests === Testsuite 1: Basic Functions ==== Testsuite 1.1: Create Certificates (OpenPGP) 1. Choose "File" from MenuBar 2. Click "New Secret Key" 3. Choose "OpenPGP Keypair" 4. Fill in some random information 5. Choose a Passphrase 6. The new Certificate will appear in the overview ==== Testsuite 1.1: Create Certificate-Request (X.509) 1. Choose "File" from MenuBar 2. Click "New Secret Key" 3. Choose "X.509 Keypair" 4. Fill some random information 5. Choose a Passphrase 6. Save the Certificate Request to file ==== Testsuite 1.2: Import Certificates (OpenPGP) 1. Choose "File" from MenuBar 2. Click "Import..." 3. Navigate to a previously exported Certificate 4. Click "Open" 5. The imported certificate will appear in the overview ==== Testsuite 1.3: Import Certificates incl. Trustchain (X.509) 1. Choose "File" from MenuBar 2. Click "Import..." 3. Navigate to a previously exported Certificate 4. Click "Open" 5. The imported certificate will appear in the overview ==== Testsuite 1.4: Encrypt Files (OpenPGP) ==== Testsuite 1.5: Encrypt Files (X.509) ==== Testsuite 1.6: Sign Files (OpenPGP) ==== Testsuite 1.7: Sign Files (X.509) ==== Testsuite 1.8: Sign & Encrypt Files (OpenPGP) ==== Testsuite 1.9: Sign & Encrypt Files (X.509) ==== Testsuite 1.10: Decrypt Files (OpenPGP) ==== Testsuite 1.11: Decrypt Files (X.509) ==== Testsuite 1.12: Check Signature ==== Testsuite 1.13: Lookup Key on Server ==== Testsuite 1.14: Export public and private Key ==== Testsuite 1.15: Certify otheres Certificates ==== Testsuite 1.16: Folder Encrypt ==== Testsuite 1.17: Change Owner Trust === Testsuite 2: Advanced Functions ==== Testsuite 2.1: Revocation Certificates ==== Testsuite 2.2: Certificate Revocation List ==== Testsuite 2.3: Check Trust-Chains in WoT ==== Testsuite 2.4: Check TrustLevels in TOFU ==== Testsuite 2.5: Check Mixed Encryption with X.509 and OpenPGP ==== Testsuite 2.6: Check GnuPG-Tar Encryption ==== Testsuite 2.7: Change Certificate Server for X.509 ==== Testsuite 2.8: Change Validity ==== Testsuite 2.9: Export Trustchain ==== Testsuite 2.10: Check Certificate Details ==== Testsuite 2.11: add UID to Key ==== Testsuite 2.12: create Certificate using Brainpool === Testsuite 3: Interoperability ==== Testsuite 3.1: Check Integrity of Downloaded Files with Signatures ==== Testsuite 3.2: Decrypt File that was encrypted under Linux (OpenPGP) ==== Testsuite 3.3: Decrypt File that was encrypted under Linux (X.509) ==== Testsuite 3.4: Check Signature on File that was signed under linux (OpenPGP) ==== Testsuite 3.5: Check Signature on File that was signed under linux (X.509) ==== Testsuite 3.6: Verify Checksums === Testsuite 4: Kleoptra Smartcard Support ==== Testsuite 4.1: Initialize OpenPGP Smartcard ==== Testsuite 4.2: Use OpenPGP Smartcard for Encryption (OpenPGP 2.1) ==== Testsuite 4.3: Use OpenPGP Smartcard for Signing ==== Testsuite 4.4: Use X.509 Smartcard for Encryption (NetKey Card) ==== Testsuite 4.5: Use X.509 Smartcard for Signing (NetKey Card) ==== Testsuite 4.6: Use X.509 Smartcard for Trusted Signing (NetKey Card)