= The 3rd OpenPGP Email Summit, July 2016 [ [[OpenPGPEmailSummits|Other OpenPGP Email Summits]] ] **Purpose:** Meeting of experts to discuss technical details of sending encrypted emails using OpenPGP. This is an event open for anybody involved in the development of email clients using OpenPGP for encryption. **NOTE:** This is a meeting of those who program and develop the corresponding software. Thus, we will have a lot of tech talk about key servers, key exchange, subject encryption, password recovery, etc. If you just are interested in these email program as a user, you probably will be bored to death ;-) . Thus, if you are working in the area of * **technical details** * for **sending encrypted emails** * with **OpenPGP** * in a project or product feel free to join us. Note however, that due to capacity reasons we don't want to have more than 2 guys from each project and we can accept requests only until we have reached the limit of 30 attendees at our host Giegerich & Partner in Dreieich (near Frankfurt). **Rules:** By Default, we follow [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_House_Rule|Chatham House Rules]]: It is fine to tell/write about what happened there, but we **need explicit permission to quote statements by individual persons or to attach them to organizations**. If you want to attend, please **send an informal email** to: mailto:nico@enigmail.net (ideally with some description of your role in this area). That way you will get further details such as the location and hotel informations. ---- **Agenda**: Saturday, Jul 09, 2016: * 10:00: Welcome, Organizational Issues, Agenda and Schedule * 10:30: Introducing each other * 11:00: Plenary Talks (see below) * 11:45: Lunch * 12:30: Plenary Remote Talk: Keybase.io (online session with Max Krohn) * 14:00: Plenary Talks (see below) * 16:00: Organizing Working Groups * 17:15: Working Groups, part 1 * 19:30: Dinner Sunday, Jul 10, 2016: * 9:30: Working Groups, part 2 * 10:45: Working Groups, part 3 * 12:00: Lunch * 13:45: Working Group Reports, Orgnaizing final Working Groups * 14:00: Working Groups, part 4 * 15:15: Working Group Reports adn Wrap-Up * 16:15: End == Plenary Sessions * Provider Mediated Keys (Holger Krekel) * Updates on Google Key Kerver (Gary Belvin) * [[attachment:talk_KeybaseAndPGP_160709.pdf|Remote Talk: Keybase and PGP (Max Krohn)]] * [[http://slides.com/tanx/openpgp-summit-2016#/5|OpenPGP.js & Mailvelope Key Server (Tankred Hase)]] * [[attachment:Folien_PGP Summit_Schochlow_Neumann.pdf|User Interface Evaluation (Verena Schochlow)]] * [[attachment:Validation Server for OpenPGP keys.pdf|TNG's Server for Key Validation (Johannes Ebke, Patrick Harböck)]] * [[attachment:Slides of State-of-PEP Talk by Volker Birk.pdf|State of PEP (Volker Birk)]] * Pixelated/LEAP/NEXTLEAP (various) == Working Groups Workshops Saturday Afternoon (17:15): * [[OpenPGPEmailSummit201607/MemoryHole|Encryption Headers aka. Memory Hole (meskio)]] * UI comparison of mental models * [[OpenPGPEmailSummit201607/EmailValidation|Approaches for Email Validation (Nico)]] Workshops Sunday Early Morning (9:30): * [[OpenPGPEmailSummit201607/ForwardSecrecyForEmail|Forward Secrecy, part 1 (DKG)]] * Key Server Error Handling (Gary) * DKIM & Friends (Johannes Ebke) Workshops Sunday Late Morning (10:45): * [[OpenPGPEmailSummit201607/ForwardSecrecyForEmail|Forward Secrecy, part 2 (DKG)]] * Key Update Distribution (Azul) * Keyserver-less PGP (Vincent) Workshops Sunday Early Afternoon (14:00): * [[OpenPGPEmailSummit201607/KeyDiscoveryComparison|Key Discovery Comparison (DKG)]] * [[OpenPGPEmailSummit201607/EmailValidation|Standardizing validation signatures (Nico)]] * How to fit User Interface Issues in the Development Process (Christoph) == Outcomes