= Details / Concepts of the Web Key Directory **[[EasyGpg2016/PubkeyDistributionConcept|Pubkey Distribution Concept]] <- the (technical) details** * 2016-09-08 ~OpenPGP.conf presentation by Werner Koch: [[https://www.openpgp-conf.org/program.html#werner|Abstract]] [[https://www.openpgp-conf.org/2016/openpgp-2016-simple-key-discovery.pdf|Slides.PDF]] * 2016-09-08 ~OpenPGP.conf presentation by Bernhard Reiter, pages 21-24 [[https://www.intevation.de/~bernhard/presentations/201609-openpgpconf/20160908-3bsi-contracts.odp|Slides.ODP]] [[https://www.intevation.de/~bernhard/presentations/201609-openpgpconf/20160908-3bsi-contracts.pdf|Slides.PDF]] * 2016-09-09 //[[http://www.golem.de/news/web-key-service-openpgp-schluessel-ueber-https-verteilen-1609-123194.html|OpenPGP-Schlüssel über HTTPS verteilen]]// Golem news by Hanno Böck * 2016-09-11 //[[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Spezifikation-fuer-die-Verteilung-von-OpenPGP-Keys-per-HTTPS-veroeffentlicht-3317914.html|Spezifikation für die Verteilung von OpenPGP-Keys per HTTPS veröffentlicht]]// Heise news by Johannes Merkert * 2016-09-11 //[[http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-de/2016-September/000547.html|Anmerkungen zum Web Key Service]]// gnupg-de@ by Werner Koch * 2017-07-28 Draft 04 of the specs published (see details page linked above). * 2017-10-10 LWN covers [[https://lwn.net/Articles/735840/|Werner Koch's talk at Kernel Recipies 2017]] The elaborated proposal is a result of the EasyGpg2016 contract. == General Idea If you and your peers use email-providers offering this "service", it works by the first email. Otherwise encryption will start after you have exchanged some emails. Technically your email client will automatically * prepare for this by creating a crypto key for you and uploading it to your provider (or second best to public keyservers). * sign all emails so others see that you are ready for crypto (unless you opt out) * ask the mail provider of your recipients for their pubkeys. An email-provider supporting privacy can * provide a pubkey for users via ~HT~TPS, called "web key directory" (WKD). * allow each user's email client to automatically manage the pubkey that gets published by email, called "web key service" (WKS). * (if offering web-based email:) support the client part as well.