Existing documents

Aim: To be a central place for documentation, ideally help the reader to find and select the right docs.

The GnuPG and Gpg4win initiatives provide several hundred 'pages' of documentation by themselfs. TODO: Link and describe the main docs for users.

In addition there are many other pieces of documentation done by the (wider) community. Ideally writers join the initiative and help to transform their contributions in a consolidated set of documents that get maintained together TODO: Link and describe external blogs, guides, translations.

Title URLs Languages License published/last update Description
Wikibook GNU Privacy Guard https://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/GnuPG DE CC-BY-SA 3.0-de Before January 2007 (see version history)/Juli 2015 self-learning book and learning material Wikibooks assessment: 20% completed TODO
Email Self-Defence https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/ EN_US CC-BY / CC-BY-SA 4.0 2014-06 Infografic and short guide for GNU/Linux, Mac, Windows with Thunderbird and GnuPG. How to create a certificate. WoT. Recommends Gpgtools (Mac), Gpg4win (Windows) and adele. TODO


(unsorted links to potential resources)


Licensing should allow broad usage without hassles, some therefore prefer something like CC-BY-SA over the GNU FDL.


Werner in Nov 2014: Gnupg-devel post: gnu privacy handbook move to git? about the GPH where to merge it and licenses.

Maintainers wanted

We are looking for a documentation hacker to overview the existing docs, find helpers to update the docs, merge some of them, and resolve licenses questions. If you have good knowledge of GnuPG and are able to work with people, please ask on gnupg-users@ how you can help.

documentation (last edited 2022-06-14 08:21:08 by Christoph Klassen)