Work in Progress. Listing dependencies of Kleopatra and why they are needed.


Dependency Reason
Qt5Widgets Uses Qt Widgets
Qt5Gui Dependency of QtWidgets
Qt5Core Dependency of QtWidgets
KF5I18n (Tier1) Required for translations
KF5Config (Tier1) Used for libkleopatrarc parsing
KF5WidgetsAddons KMessageBox, probably more
KF5Gpgmepp Gpgme++
KF5Completion Used for KLineedit which is used in configuration dailogs and for filenames
KF5IconThemes User in Auditlogviewer and Keyselectiondialog - Should be replaced with QIcon::fromTheme
KF5WindowSystem Used to set the Icon of the keyselectiondialog
KF5CoreAddons At least KShell is used to shell execute the checksumcommands
KF5PimTextEdit Richtextedit used in the audit log viewer

Gpg4win/KleopatraDependencies (last edited 2016-01-08 15:54:06 by AndreHeinecke)