Trouble Shooting / FAQ
- Run Gpg4win as unprivileged User
- Technical hints how to diagnose or circumvent typical problems
- Tutorials with screenshots
- Create a portable version of Gpg4win
- MW2018 since Jan 2018, to improve Mailvelope by adding a native GnuPG option, improve OpenPGP.js, enable crypto web forms.
- EasyGpg2016 since January 2016, to improve the user experience of end-to-end cryptography using a new trust and cert distribution model.
- Gpg4vsnfd2015 started in October 2015 to prepare an evaluation for use with classified 'restricted' documents in Germany.
- Gpg4all2015 October 2015 - July 2017 leading to Gpg4win 3.0.0(rc).
- Informsec2013 funded Gpg4win improvements April 2013 - September 2013 (from 2.1.1-beta1 to 2.2.1).
(Known contracts since 2013.)
- Building the installer
- Wishlist
- Future Development means for ImprovingSecurity
- Reseach future Installer technologies
- Kleopatra Dependencies
- /CheckIntegrity
- If /AntiVirusSoftware holds a suspicion
- Gpg4win in the press