Get public keys

work in progress

This tutorial is for Gpg4win 4.0.3. For new versions this process may differ.



You created your own keys and are able to sign files and messages and now you want to encrypt to another person. But wait. Isn't something missing? Yes, to encrypt a file to someone you need their public key. The next question is: How can you get that key? And how do you know that the pubkey you've gotten belong to the person that you want to communicat with.
There are several ways and here we explain two of them:

Download a public key from an external source (WKD server/ keyserver)

todo: link to article about which keyserver to use and limitation of the new keyserver network

Certifying process

As written above when you certify a public key you claim that that key really belongs to the person you think this key belongs. This is important if you take encryption serious and want to be sure that you don't use any faked keys.

Now the certifying process is complete and you can use the new public key.

Import a public key as a file

To import a public key which you got as a file (e.g. via email) there are two ways which are explained in the following sections.

Double-click on the file

Import the file from Kleopatra

Another way to import a key starts in Kleopatra.

Now you have imported the new public key and can use it.

Gpg4win/Tutorials/RetrievePublicKeys (last edited 2022-07-26 09:35:47 by Christoph Klassen)