Informsec2013: Report for Milestone #3

Delivered: 2013-08-20

1. What we have done for milestone #3

2. Updated Gpg4win components

We updated for Gpg4win 2.2.0 the following packages:

Package         old version (2.2.0-beta34)    new version (2.2.0)

glib            2.34.3                        2.34.3 + patches
gnupg           2.0.21-beta20                 2.0.21
gpa             0.9.4                         0.9.4 + patches
gpgex           1.0.0-beta24                  1.0.0
gpgme           1.4.2                         1.4.3 + patches
gpgol           1.1.4-git3408e00              1.2.0
gtk+            2.2.24                        2.2.24 + patches
kleopatra       2.1.1 (20130528)              2.2.0 (20130820)

3. Outlook 2010/2013 support for GpgOL

The updated GpgOL plugin provides rudimentary support for Outlook 2010 and(!) 2013. The following crypto functions are already available via the new GpgOL ribbon rsp. Outlook's context menu (no MIME parsing, yet):

The new GpgOL version 1.2.0 is integrated into Gpg4win 2.2.0 release.

4. Gpg4win portable version

Gpg4win 2.2.0 integrate a new tool (mkportable.exe) to create a portable installation of Gpg4win.

How to create a Gpg4win portable version?

Informsec2013/milestone3 (last edited 2013-11-06 12:29:19 by emanuel)