About this Wiki

Wiki for GnuPG, Gpg4win and related Free Software initiatives.

Help us to improve this wiki!

The content of this wiki may be different from the positions of the GnuPG Devs. Unsurprisingly so, as it's wiki, which you and everybody else can edit. :)

GnuPG? Gpg4win?

The aim of GnuPG and the Gpg4win Initiative is to provide software solutions for everyone to

Mid 2016 the concept for web key directory/service introduced a way towards a much better user experience.

Disclaimer/Technical contact

If you have questions about this wiki, use the community support infrastructure of GnuPG or Gpg4win. The wiki is operated by Intevation GmbH as a service for the mentioned communities.

Wiki Theme

2022: New Theme

In 2022 we decided that we need a new theme for the wiki that represents GnuPG better than the default theme at that time (memodump). That is why we created the theme "gnupg-org-wiki-theme" and made it the new default. Here are some details about the new theme:

about (last edited 2023-09-29 09:36:57 by Christoph Klassen)