Work in Progress. Listing dependencies of Kleopatra and why they are needed.
Dependency | Reason |
Qt5Widgets | Uses Qt Widgets |
Qt5Gui | Dependency of QtWidgets |
Qt5Core | Dependency of QtWidgets |
KF5I18n (Tier1) | Required for translations |
KF5Config (Tier1) | Used for libkleopatrarc parsing |
KF5WidgetsAddons | KMessageBox, probably more |
KF5Gpgmepp | Gpgme++ |
KF5Completion | Used for KLineedit which is used in configuration dailogs and for filenames |
KF5IconThemes | User in Auditlogviewer and Keyselectiondialog - Should be replaced with QIcon::fromTheme |
KF5WindowSystem | Used to set the Icon of the keyselectiondialog |
KF5CoreAddons | At least KShell is used to shell execute the checksumcommands |
KF5PimTextEdit | Richtextedit used in the audit log viewer |