Encrypt files

under construction

This tutorial is for Gpg4win 4.0.3. For new versions this process may differ.


1. Use Kleopatra
2. Use GpgEX


Jane has a new dog and shot a picture of it. Now she would love to share the picture with her best friend Kim. Because Jane also just started with Gpg4win and the whole crypto world she wants to encrypt the photo before she sends it. With this tutorial Jane learns which ways she can take to encrypt a file.


We just revealed that there is more than one way to encrypt a file. So you can look at the instructions and maybe try different ways to decide which one suits you most. One possibility is to use Kleopatra which you probably used to create your own keys. Another tool that can be used is the component GpgEX.

Both Kleopatra and GpgEX are installed on your system if you followed this tutorial without any modifications.

Use Kleopatra

After completing this section you have a new file with a lock symbol in the same folder where the original file is. This new file is the encrypted one.


Use GpgEX

Gpg4win/Tutorials/EncryptFile (last edited 2022-07-21 07:01:00 by Christoph Klassen)