Let others encrypt emails and files to you easily

Someone wants to mail you in confidence. Their software can encrypt that email right away, if you make sure your public OpenPGP key is placed on your webpage properly, by using a Web Key Directory.

Read more about how this works, the end-to-end cryptography, open standards, advanced email clients, and Free Software products like GnuPG and Gpg4win in this wiki ...

Notable Events


What are GnuPG and Gpg4win?

GnuPG is a Free Software for encrypting and signing emails and files. It runs on GNU/Linux, Windows, MacOS and other operating systems.

Gpg4win is a software bundle for Windows that includes GnuPG and additional software:

Get help


Documentations can help you to accomplish your tasks or find a solution for your problems.


Sometimes you may face different problems. The Trouble Shooting section shows possible solutions to solve them (mainly for Gpg4win on Windows).

Your help in this wiki is highly appreciated!

This wiki is an effort for the communities of GnuPG, OpenPGP, the Free Software products around them and the interested public. You are invited to join us! If you find misspellings or outdated information feel free to fix them. For more ideas to contribute you can visit this page.

If you want to read more about the background of this wiki this is the right place.

GnuPG for Users

GnuPG for Developers

Note that the tools can't necessary decide whether something is an ABI or API change. The output should be used as a hint to look for whether there might be a problem. We are not aware of any broken API or ABI contracts for the listed libraries.


Other OpenPGP implementations/initiatives


Index (last edited 2024-08-23 15:10:22 by bernhard)